The New Testament church is compared to Israel in the wilderness. Part 5
By Joe Daniels and Terry Cropper
his letter to the Gentiles at Corinth, after an extensive discussion
of the Old Testament account of the experience of the Israelites in the
wilderness, Paul wrote about this “new exodus.”
wrote about this in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 “For I do not want you to be
unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all
passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud
and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank
the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that
followed them, and the Rock was Christ. Nevertheless, with most of
them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
(Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not
desire evil as they did). Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as
it is written, ‘The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to
play.’ We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did,
and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. (We must not put Christ
to the test), as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents, nor
grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.
(Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were
written down for our instruction), on whom the end of the ages has
come.” [emphasis added] Notice here that Paul is address in letter
Gentiles at Corinth. This time everyone was going through the
wilderness Israelites and Gentiles.
In this passage, the
word translated "examples" is the Greek tupos, from which we derive
our word "types." Thus the experiences of the Israelites were actually
revealed by God to be "types" to be fulfilled the antitype the Church
and its relation to Christ. Indeed, in all the Old Testament
Scriptures, as Christ Himself taught, are "things concerning himself"
(Luke 24:27).
Old Testament Israel’s deliverance from
bondage, of Egypt was a “type and shadow.” The only difference was
that Paul’s generation was the reality to which the Old Testament
examples pointed. They were not put (Christ to the test), as some of
them did and were destroyed by serpents, nor grumble, as some of them
did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.
Old Testament
Israel put God to the test many times. Numbers 14:22-33 because all
these men who have seen My glory and the signs which I did in Egypt
and in the wilderness, and have put (Me to the test now these ten
times), and have not heeded My voice, they certainly shall not see the
land of which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who
rejected Me see it. [emphasis added] David wrote in Psalm 78:41 NIV
Again and again they put God to the test; they vexed the Holy One of
Israel. Paul as a Israelite know he belonged to the new
eschatological Exodus under Jesus, the Messiah; and, in his opinion in
this new Exodus of Salvation they should not put (Christ to the test)
as their father put God to the test in the wilderness.
of the first lessons a student of types and shadows will learn is the
lofty place given to the Exodus out of Egypt. It is this event which
presents the clearest correspondences to the redemptive work of Christ
and the time-frame of its fulfillment.
To be more
specific, the exodus out of Egypt and into the promised land by the
children of Israel under Moses is a direct shadow of the exodus of the
New Testament generation from the cross to the entrance into the
eternal land of rest 40 years later.
Let's look at some
comparisons between the two. The first was preceded by physical
slavery- the bondage of the Hebrews in Egypt. The second was preceded
by spiritual slavery, man's bondage to sin and death. Jesus go into
this in John 8:31-33 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him,
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” They answered
Him, We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to
anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” They claim they
have NEVER been in bondage! The Jews do not want a Saviour. They do
not believe they have ever sinned. They do not see any need to repent
of anything. The Jews simply abhor the idea of getting down on their
Clearly these men had in mind their ancestry ("We
are offspring of Abraham..."), but they "forget" that their ancestors
were slaves (and they themselves slaves of sin). Then Jesus points
them to his meaning. Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to
you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. Jesus is uses the analogy
of a slave and his master to make the point that a slave obeys his
master because he belongs to him. Slaves have no will of their own.
They are literally in bondage to their masters. When sin is your
master, you are unable to resist it.
During this two
forty year exodus periods there were many Jews, and Jewish Christians
alike that were zealous for the law of Moses and Paul posed a problem
for James and the elders. He had a bad reputation with those zealous
for the law. Acts 21:20-22 "You see, brother, how many thousands of
Jews have believed and all of them zealous for the law. They have been
informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to
turn away from Moses telling them not to circumcise their children or
live according to our customs.
The elders obviously have
quite a bit of concern about the reputation that Paul is garnering
among the Jewish believers in Jerusalem, due to stories circulating
that Paul is turning Jews living outside of Palestine away from the
Law. There seems to be concern not only for Paul’s reputation, but for
his safety: “What then is to be done? They will certainly hear that
you have come.”
It is interesting that earlier, in Acts
21:11, a prophet named Agabus had warned that Paul would be in danger
from “the Jews in Jerusalem,” and Paul’s companions strongly urged him
not to go. Their misgivings would, unfortunately, soon be borne out.
Fearing for his safety, the elders prescribe a course of action for
Paul to take which will publicly demonstrate to all that he is in fact
loyal to the Law of Moses:
We have four men who are
under a vow. Join these men, go through the rite of purification with
them, and pay for the shaving of their heads. Thus all will know that
there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you
yourself observe and guard the law. But as for the Gentiles who have
become believers, we have sent a letter with our judgment that they
should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood
and from what is strangled and from fornication."
(Acts 21:23-25)
interesting developments. Paul is advised, as a public demonstration
of his orthodoxy, to financially sponsor some men who are apparently
taking what was known as a Nazirite vow. The Nazirite vow, which
appears in Numbers 6:1-21, has five features. It is voluntary, can be
done by either men or women, has a specific time frame, has specific
requirements and restrictions, and at its conclusion a sacrifice is
In any event, Paul does as the elders urge him,
sponsors the men, and goes into the Temple with them to undergo the
rite of purification. So we see the change over to the New Covenant
from the Old Covenant of bondage did not happen over night. There
remained even Jewish Christians still zealous for the law of Moses.
There was forty year exodus periods from the Old Covenant of bondage
of death and sin, into the New Covenant eternal land rest in Christ.
After 40 years from when Christ died Gods everlasting covenant of
grace was established..
All of these types and shadows,
displayed in the Exodus, found their fulfillment in the exodus of
God's people from the bondage of sin to the eternal rest in Christ.
The natural and then the spiritual. It makes sense that natural Israel
made a exodus out of the slavery when they left Egypt. And
spiritual Israel believing Jew and Gentile were making exodus out of
the slavery of sin by the blood of Christ.
Second Peter
3:9 explains why God is so patient: "The Lord is not slow to fulfill
his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not
wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."
However at end both periods, the wicked were severed from among the
just and not allowed to enter into the land of promise. Hebrews 3:11
So I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest.’ Hebrews 3:17
Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who
sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?
The exodus
for those New Testament saints started at the Cross (30 AD) and ended
at the Parousia (70 AD), exactly a 40 year period just as with the
wilderness wandering of the Old Testament exodus.The end of the age
came upon that generation, and we are now in the everlasting age
(Ephesians 3:21).
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